Steps to success

How to ace those video interviews.

CHA’s top tips for a successful Zoom/Teams Interview experience

  • Be on time.
  • Dress Appropriately.
  • Set the right Environment and background. 
  • Stay Muted until you speak.
  • If you are not using your computer’s built in microphone/web cam, purchase a good one to ensure a good Zoom/Teams  experience.
  • Make sure your internet cable or Wi-Fi connection is stable.
  • Don’t multi-task and stay focused.
  • If an exceptionally hot day, ensure you position yourself in the coolest part of your house and keep water nearby.
  • Speak in a clear voice but not too loud.
  • Listen and Don’t talk over others.
  • Maintain eye contact & position your webcam correctly.
  • Keep an eye on your body language.
  • Project a sense of calm and confidence.
  • Prepare Detailed Notes, research the company and position them within easy reach.
  • Show your motivation for the job.  

Finally and probably the most important tip is to test out your kit before the interview. Your CHA consultant can carry out a pre-interview Zoom/Teams meet with you, to ensure everything is working perfectly.

What is the STAR Method and When You Should Use?

When preparing for an interview the STAR interview response method can help. Using this method of answering interview questions allows you to provide concrete examples or proof that you possess the experience and skills for the job at hand. 

You'll be able to share examples of how you successfully handled situations at work.

So, first things first - what is the STAR method, exactly?

In short, the STAR method is a structured answer that can be used to answer most behavioral interview questions.

Here’s what it stands for:

  • (S) Situation - What’s the context? Describe the situation or the background first.
  • (T) Task - Talk about your responsibilities or the tasks you had to complete (i.e. what was the challenge for the specific task?)
  • (A) Action - How did you fix the situation? Describe your process and the steps you took.
  • (R) Results - Describe the results of your actions. If possible, use numbers or hard data (e.g. by what % did you increase the overall sales? What changed?).

Look at your CV and think about key situations you have been in during your employment and prepare some STAR answers that you can use during the interview process to give concise situational responses.